Hi Steve:

I still do not understand how I can have the conductor score have EMPTY measures when the whole measure is a rest (but not hide the rests in measures that have notes).

If you are correctly using full-measure rests (e.g., R1 instead of r1), then the tip that was given earlier in this thread should work fine: in the conductor's score, include the following in your \layout block:

    \override MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##t

This will give you an EMPTY measure for each full-measure rest. Of course, by *not* including this in your part(s), the full-measure rests will appear as expected there.

Appropriately modifying Mats's example code gives:

m = \relative c' {
    c1 | d | e | f | R1*4 \break | g1 | f | e | d |

% Conductors score:
\new StaffGroup \with { \override MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##t } << \new Staff \m >>

% Instrumental part:
    \new Staff { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \m }

Hope this helps!

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