On 7/9/07, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

May be, instead of a slur (tie?), i have to drow a line.. with an arrow..

i Try This code but doesen't work..

Hup = \drummode {
        \set DrumStaff.instrumentName =  "H "
                sn8 bd r8 sn8
                sn2:32-"\\embeddedps{3 4 moveto 0 0 1 2 8 4 20 3.5 rcurveto 

\new DrumStaff {<<
          \new DrumVoice {  \voiceOne  \Hup }


it prints "\embeddedps{3 4 moveto 0 0 1 2 8 4 20 3.5 rcurveto stroke}" as

Any advice?


Bainos wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to have a sluur at the last note?
> If Yes.. how?
> Here is a litlle snippet..
> I would like to erite something similar to the first line,
> without   the second..
> Eup = \drummode {
>       \set DrumStaff.instrumentName =  "E "
>               sn8 bd r8 sn8
>               sn2:32^PRESS ~ \break
>               sn1
> }
> \new DrumStaff {<<
>       \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne  \Eup }

If only a short tie will do, check 6.5.4 "Laissez vibrer ties".

If you need a long line you might try a text or line spanner (8.1.2)
connecting to a transparent rest.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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