Le 05.07.2007 09:23, Jesse Engle disait :
Hi everyone,
I've recently installed TeTeX on my Mac, and I'm excited to begin using the
TeX typesetting software in conjunction with Lilypond. My problem is that,
because `lilypond-book`, `latex` and `dvips` are used to produce the output,
I'm not sure how to set up the Makefile. Do any of you have a makefile for
this type of thing laying around?
Here is my "generic" Makefile:
make prepare for getting the ps,
make view to open it in ghostview (proofreading),
make fini to generate the final pdf and making some cleaning
# Makefile for lilypond-book 2.10.25
# name of the book (lytex file)
OUVRAGE := Medieval
# the image I add
LOGO := janequin.eps
# do I need a table of contents?
TOC := oui
# temporary working directory
REP := out
# Commands (useful when options change
LB_CMD = lilypond-book --output=${REP} --psfonts
PS_CMD = dvips -o -Ppdf -h $(OUVRAGE).psfonts
${REP}/$(OUVRAGE).ps : prepare
prepare : ${OUVRAGE}.lytex ${FLY}
${LB_CMD} ${OUVRAGE}.lytex
ifdef LOGO
cp ${LOGO} ${REP}/${LOGO}
cd ${REP} && latex ${OUVRAGE}
ifdef TOC
cd ${REP} && latex ${OUVRAGE}
cd ${REP} && ${PS_CMD} $(OUVRAGE).dvi
view : ${REP}/${OUVRAGE}.ps
gv --watch ${REP}/${OUVRAGE}.ps
fini: ${REP}/$(OUVRAGE).ps
cd ${REP} && ps2pdf $(OUVRAGE).ps $(OUVRAGE).pdf
distrib : fini
cp ${REP}/${OUVRAGE}.pdf .
rm -rf ${REP}
# nettoyage
clean :
rm -f *.log *.tmp *.aux ${REP}/*.log ${REP}/*.aux ${REP}/lily-*
nickel :
rm -rf ${REP}
rm -f *~ *.log *.tmp *.aux *.ps *.midi
Hope this will be usefull!
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