As far as I know, there is no automatic support in LilyPond for the moment.
What you can do is to manually insert a line break, so you have control over
where the line starts, and then use the \quoteDuring feature to include the
music from voice_a until the music in voice_b starts.


yota moteuchi wrote:
I have a violin part which, for some bars, split into two voices.

I first tried this :
- create a violin_voice_a
- add a violin_voice_b, containing rests everywhere except on those few bars where there is two voices - stack the two vioces using a hara_kiri context for the second one in order to hide empty staves

The result is schematized as Fig 2 (see the picture)

Which is far different from what I can find in the litterature (fig 1) where, on the splitted staves but unsplitted voices, the violin_voice_a is printed on both the upper and the lower staves of the system.
How could I obtain this result automagically ?





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