Dear all,

I'm setting vocal scores with, say, russian lyrics.
I'd like to remind (outside of the score) the text,
and to propose a translation
These paragraphs should be justified,
and could possibly appear on two columns.

So I use \justify to compute the gaps between words.
The gaps are sometimes too wide, especially when I shift to
short linewidths.
So I tried to introduce optionnal hyphenation in markups...
and could not.

Is it possible ?
And by the way, can I shift a paragraph in, say, 47 millimeters ?


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Justified text with hyphenation. BROKEN
\version "2.11.26" %(windows)
\markup \column
% \override #'(left-margin . 50) %% this does NOT work. Why ?
% \hspace #1      %% idem

 \override #'(line-width . 30) %% how to specify millimeters ?

% \justify \lyricmode  %% syntax error
% \lyricmode \justify  %% syntax error
% \lyricmode    %% syntax error
 \justify   %% bad output (hyphens)
  So I tried to introduce optionnal hyphenation in markups...
  So I tried to in __ tro __ du __ ce op __ tion __ nal
  hy __ phe __ na __ tion in mark __ ups like in 
  "\ly" __ ric __ mode
  "%%% By the way, How to get new line ? %%%"
  So I tried to in__ tro__ du__ ce op__ tion__ nal
  hy__ phe__ na__ tion in mark__ ups like in 
  "\ly"__ ric__ mode
  So I tried to in__tro__du__ce op__tion__nal
  hy_ phe_ na_ tion in mark_ ups like in 
  "\ly" __ ric __ mode
 \justify-string  %% worst output (no justification)
  So I tried to introduce optionnal hyphenation
  in markups...
  So I tried to in __ tro __ du __ ce op __ 
  tion __ nal
  hy __ phe __ na __ tion in mark __ ups like in
  \"\\ly __ ric __ mode\"
  %%% By the way, How to skip one line ? %%%
\score {c''} 
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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