Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:
> However, if I understand correctly, the question was about the
> alignment point of the note, not of the text itself. You can get
> it centered on the note head by the setting:
> \override TextScript #'X-offset =#(ly:make-simple-closure
>                       `(,+
>                         ,(ly:make-simple-closure (list 
> ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent))
>                         ,(ly:make-simple-closure (list 
> ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self))))
> I recommend you to use copy/paste to insert this into your file,
> since it's very critical to get all backwards quote marks and commas
> correct.
>    /Mats
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This is what I was looking for. But not yet all of it. I'd like to have the
text centered on the note head only when the text itself is centered (when
using \hcenter or \center-align or \halign #0).

Is it possible to add this \override property writen above inside a
\markup{}, just like when we change the font size: \markup {\override
#'(font-size . -5) "ABC"}?

Anyway I think the centering commands should already center the text with
the center of the notehead. is there a reason why it isn't this way?
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