Hi all!

I'm using lilyond throug ScoreRender for displaying music fragments.

I want to use ragged-last = ##t because short examples shouldnt be wider
than needed.
Problem: When the example use more than one system, the last system
sometimes is "cramped" —
to tight formatted when the notes (almost) colliding.
In the example below, the second system should break after six bars, just
like the first system - shouldn't it?
Any ideas how to solve this?

Best regards / Jonas

\version "2.8.1"
\paper  {
   indent = 0.0\mm
   ragged-last = ##t
   line-width = 6\in
\relative {
c d e f g f e d c d e f g f e d c d e f g f e d c d e f g f e d c d e f g f
e d c d e f g f e d c d e f g f e d c d e f g f e d
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