Hi Mats,
Why not use the method described in the manual? See section "Moving
I assumed (oops?!) that Marcus had thought of that, and was looking
for other methods.
Of course, for the sake of completeness (in the list archive), I
should have included the "standard" method(s) -- see updated example
attached below.
Thanks for pointing that out!
\version "2.11.23"
theMusic =
c''1^\markup { \italic "Variation second." } \break
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1) c''^\markup
{ \italic "Variation second." }
c''-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . 1) ^\markup { \italic "Variation
second." } \break
\once \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.5 c''^\markup
{ \italic "Variation second." }
c''-\tweak #'staff-padding #1.5 ^\markup { \italic "Variation
second." } \break
c''2^\markup { \translate #(cons 0 1) { \hspace #0 \italic
"Variation second." } }
c''^\markup { \raise #1 { \hspace #0 \italic "Variation second." } }
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