> > I'm working on a piece where what I'm editing is the include files,
> > but what I want to run lilypond on is a master file. I've been
> > enjoying just saying "C-c C-l" to run lilypond, but I can't figure out
> > how to tell lilypond what the master file is.
> But why don't you use a Makefile instead?
Hi Laura,
Here's an example Makefile that I use. Feel free to do what you want
with it! Basically, you put all your include .ly files in the SOURCES
variable and your main file in the MAIN_LY variable. Then, in emacs, run
M-x compile and run 'make [optional args] prepare'. Also you may change
the location of your binaries depending on your system. Let me know of
any questions you may have.
HOME = ./
OUT_DIR = $(HOME)out/
LILY = /usr/bin/lilypond
LILYARGS = -dno-point-and-click
LILYBOOK = /sw/bin/lilypond-book
TEX = /usr/bin/latex
DVIPS = /usr/bin/dvips
VIEWER = /usr/bin/gv --watch
PS2PDF = /usr/bin/ps2pdf
DVIPS_ARGS = -o -Ppdf -h
LILYBOOK_ARGS = --output=$(OUT_DIR) --psfonts
PRINTER = -PMHM-X200 -o PageSize=A4,Duplex=DuplexNoTumble
MAIN_LY = score.ly
SOURCES = sixstrings.chords.guit1.ly \
sixstrings.chords.guit2.ly \
sixstrings.chords.guit1-2.ly \
sixstrings.chords.guit2-2.ly \
nomenclatura : $(HOME)nomenclatura.tex
cd $(OUT_DIR); \
$(TEX) $@
cd $(OUT_DIR); \
cd $(OUT_DIR); \
score : repetition.music.ly $(MAIN_LY)
$(LILY) $@
print : prepare
lpr $(PRINTER) score.pdf
view : prepare
$(VIEWER) $(OUT_DIR)nomenclatura.ps
prepare : $(SOURCES)
prepareEPS : $(SOURCES)
$(LILY) $(LILYARGS) --backend=eps $(MAIN_LY)
preparePS : $(SOURCES)
$(LILY) $(LILYARGS) --backend=ps $(MAIN_LY)
preview :
$(LILY) $(LILYARGS) --preview $(MAIN_LY)
prepareSVG: $(SOURCES)
$(LILY) $(LILYARGS) --backend=svg $(MAIN_LY)
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