Hello, in the output of the following code the notes of the second voice in the second and sixth bar are placed a little to the right in comparison to the other voices. I tried to fix it with \override NoteHead #'X-offset but whether I used positive or negative arguments didn't make a difference and moved always further to the right.
Another thing is that I created a hidden pulse of quarter notes to get the bars aproximately the same length, now I just wanted to know if there's maybe a more simple way to do it. \regards Tao \version "2.10.23" \header { title = "Tune Up" composer = "Miles Davis" tagline = "" } melodyLine = \relative c'' { a2. g4 | dis2 e | fis1~ | fis | \break g2. f4 | cis2 d | e1~ | e2. e4 | \break es1~ | es4 es f g | d'1~ | d2 d4 c | \break a1~ | a4. g8 a c? a g | a1~ | a | \bar "|." } midLineA = \relative c' { <b d>1 | <b cis> | <a~ cis~> | <a cis> | <a c>1 | <a b> | <g~ b~> | <g b> | <g bes>1 | <g a> | <d' f> | <d f> | <b d>1 | <bes cis> | <d~ f~> | <d f> | } midLineB = \relative c' { g1 | g | fis~ | fis | f1 | f | e~ | e | es1 | es | a | g | g1 | g | a~ | a | } bassLine = \relative c, { e1 | a | d,~ | d | d1 | g | c,~ | c | c1 | f | bes | es, | e1 | a | bes~ | bes | } pulseLine = \relative c' { \hideNotes \stemUp e4 e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e4 e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e4 e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e4 e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e e e e | } upStaff = { << \melodyLine \\ \midLineA >> } lowStaff = { \clef bass << \midLineB \\ \bassLine \\ \pulseLine >> } \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f after-title-space = 10\mm bottom-margin = 10\mm } \score { << \context GrandStaff << \context Staff = upStaff \upStaff \context Staff = lowStaff \lowStaff >> >> \layout { indent = 0\mm } } -- Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kanns mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user