I'd like to set some single-note beginning piano music for my daughter, and want
to make a piano staff with lyrics between the two staves.

I'd like to have just one voice in the music, and have the voice autochange.

I've reviewed Automatic Staff Changes
which doesn't allow lyrics between the staves; 
and the piano templates
 D.2.3. Piano Centered Lyrics, which doesn't autochange.

I can get a melody in the GrandStaff to autochange, but I can't get lyrics to
align to that melody.

Any ideas?



Code Follows:

verse= \lyricmode {
        Rain - drops on ros - es and whisk - ers on kit-tens

melody = \relative c'{
        e4 b' b | fis e e | b e e | fis e r

staffPiano = \new GrandStaff {
                \time 3/4
                \key g \major
                \context Staff = "up" {  % Right hand 
                        \clef treble
                        \key c \major
                        %\transpose g c {\melody}
                        \relative c {
                \autochange \melody
                %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melPia" {\verse}
                \context Staff = "down" {  % Left hand                  
                        \clef bass
                        \key c \major
                        %\relative c \AncientRemoveEmptyStaffContext


\score {
        \layout  {
        \midi { %

\paper {

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