Sounds like the opposite of melisma. You want the words to track the notes. In melisma it's multiple notes per syllable. Here he might have multiple syllables per note. Which will sometimes happen in the case of multiple verses written under a melody line. (Although there is usually a parenthetical note that will align to additional syllables.)

On Jun 3, 2007, at 10:26 PM, David Rogers wrote:

On Jun 3 2007, at 19:41, Alan Jones wrote:

I need a way to specify which beats the words of my
lyrics fall on independent of the voice that they are
associated with.  In the attached example I have
three words that I want on the corresponding beats:
one, two, three.  However, because the voice has a
half note for the last two beats Lilypond overlaps the
words 'two' and 'three' -- even though I've tried to override
by placing length numbers after every word.  I do want
the words to follow the music, for example if some
accidentals move the horizontal placement of the beat, etc.
Thanks for any help!

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do you sing this? Is it sung lyrics we're dealing with here, or something else?


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