Helge Kruse <HelgeKruse <at> t-online.de> writes:

> Hello,
> I tried to use a graphical front end at my Windows XP system. Since Finale 
> Notepad is free, I wrote a simple song and store the MUS file. When I run 
> etf2ly lala.MUS I get always the content
> % lily was here -- automatically converted by etf2ly from lala.mus
> This is not too much. Can etf2ly accept Finale (Notepad) files anyhow? 

I think you have to explicitly save as ETF, and I guess this function is only
available in a less free version.  (Do keep in mind that Finale Notepad is free
as in beer, not as in speech.)

Furthermore, I'm not sure how well-maintained etf2ly is.  I've only used it
once, years ago, with moderate success.  I seem to remember having to modify the
script slightly for it to work with the given input.

I've only tried Finale Notepad on Mac OSX myself, and I wasn't impressed.  It
was probably worth what I paid for it, in contrast to Lilypond which is worth a
lot more than the same price (0).



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