On 21 May 2007, at 13:34, Jonas Nyström wrote:
I've been trying the Goemon cfg (http://www.anime.net/~goemon/
timidity/) ...
Thank you, Jonas!
but with no success. (A blank wav-file is the closest I've been.
Maybe the patch names are wrong, I don't know.)
Can someone give a clue how to get an installation running (I'm
interrested in Windows and/or Linux/Ubuntu), with some GeneralMidi
sound collection/.cfg?
I got it working on Mac OS X, which has a FreeBSD derived UNIX at the
bottom (more details on the 'man' pages 'timidity' and
'timidity.cfg'). The only trick was to edit the configuration file,
so that timidity finds it. I give an example of a complete UNIX
console session:
sudo -s
cd /usr/local/src/
mkdir goemon
cd goemon
# Or use 'ftp' instead:
wget http://www.anime.net/~goemon/timidity/goemon.tgz
tar -zxf goemon.tgz
# The following makes 'timidity' to use a copy of goemon.cfg as
startup file:
cp goemon.cfg /usr/local/share/timidity/timidity.cfg
mv goemon /usr/local/lib/timidity/
# Now edit the startup file, so that the sound patches are found; use
your favorite editor:
emacs /usr/local/share/timidity/timidity.cfg &
# In timidity.cfg, add the following line at the top and save the
file, which
# causes timidity to look for sound patches there:
dir /usr/local/lib/timidity/goemon
When the file has been saved, exit the editor if you so like, and the
'sudo -s' root.
Then just type
timidity <midifile>
and it played on my Mac. So the rest probably works. I tried it on
the following file:
which is a fractal music example I got from Haskore <http://
Hans Aberg
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