On 19 May 2007 15:42:14 -0700, Kieran Coulter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a question as to whether or not I can change the colour of the
bracket style pedal line. I have achieved the bracket style pedal line
successfully placing " \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket " inside of
the expression, but in my attempt to construct a tweak to change the colour
of the pedal line to a noticeable red (I wish to draw the attention of my
student towards the pedal line), I am not successful. By best attempt at the
tweak is :

" \override Staff.pedal #'color = #red "

but it doesn't seem to work. I hope to be able to colour the

" \sustainUp "
" \sustainDown " and
" \sustainUp\sustainDown " segments individually, so that I can draw
attention to the particular pedal motion my student happens to miss.

Hopefully this is possible! Thanks very much.

Hi Kieran,

I haven't checked coloring pedal segments independently, but color
overrides in general work like this:

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.11.22"

\new Staff {
  \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'color = #red
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
  c'4 \sustainDown
  c'4 \sustainUp

%%% END %%%

Note that \override takes a grob name (which is always in upper camel
case, ie, words smashed together with each word, including the first,
capitalized); the grob (or graphic object) which creates pedal
brackets is the PianoPedalBracket.

Note also that an inline \override PianoPedalBracket (missing the
initial Staff context qualifier) will have no effect in this example
because the PianoPedalBracket grob lives in the Staff context (rather
than the lower-level Voice context, which is what Lily will assume for
an inline grob override that is not preceeded with a context

Note also that \set takes a context property (not a grob), such as
pedalSustainStyle which (almost always) is in *lower* camel case (ie,
the very first letter is *not* capitalized).

Also note no apostrophe before #red (which is correct in your initial
example) because #red is a constant like #1 and #up and #down; letting
an apostrophe creep in there can sometimes cause make working out your
final example take some time.

Last, I think if you just insert multiple color overrides before pedal
segments that you might be able to get color changes where you want
them (though, again, I haven't checked).

Trevor Bača
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