Le jeudi 17 mai 2007 à 16:42 +0300, Till Rettig a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I just tried to apply the example from the docs for 2.11, chapter 6.5.7 
> for changing the distance from afterGrace notes.
> But I get always  a warning that the right context cannot be found. 
> Would it be good to add a better example to the docs?

Yes (see below).

> this is my minimal example:
> \version "2.11.23"
> \relative c'' { c1 {

Why do you use a brace after c1?  It is more confusing than useful.

> \set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 2 4)

afterGraceFraction is not listed in the Tunable context properties
(Program reference), and the manual doesn't tell you to use \set.  Why
not try to set afterGraceFraction as a variable, like showLastLength for
example?  It's better to set it not at toplevel, so you should use this

#(define afterGraceFraction '(1 . 2))

where you can also use (cons 1 2) instead of '(1 . 2)

I've also fixed this in Git.

>  \afterGrace d1 { c16[ d] } c4} }
> \layout {
>     ragged-right = ##t
>     }


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