Laura Conrad <lconrad <at>> writes:

> I think this is a bug, but since I don't usually rely on the default
> bar line engraver, I'm sending this to user in case I'm doing
> something really dumb.
> The attached file is in 2/2, and should start with a partial measure,
> in both parts.
> If I don't include the \layout section, which moves the barline
> engraver to the staff level from the score level, it prints the way I
> expect.  
> The file as written prints the first part as expected, but ignores the
> \partial statement for the second part.
> Attachment ( application/octet-stream, 547 bytes
> If it's a bug, does anyone know a workaround?  If not, what am I doing
> wrong?

It looks to me like a bug in the definition of \partial, which seems to
want to work at Score level.  You can work around it by setting 
the measure position directly:

\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -1 2)


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