I apologize if this ends up being posted twice...

I'm new to LilyPond and have resisted for the past week jumping in and asking a 
newbie question. Instead, I've used the documentation and googled the list for 
answers. Here's what has me stumped...

I want a double bar line at the end of staff 2. I have it indicated, and it 
appeared until I started messing with the volta position. Now it won't show.

I'm also mystified as to why the tagline at the bottom isn't changing--is my 
header code in the wrong part of the file? I've tried moving it, but then it 
breaks and won't compile.

I'm trying to set up a template so I can typeset a collection of 200 jigs and 
reels for publication. I started building this file on the template in the 

Thanks for any advice you can offer! In the meantime, since I'm still not happy 
with it, I'll look for the code to pull the tune name closer to the staff.

The entire file appears below.
Marguerite Plank
Gettysburg, PA 17325

\version "2.10.20-1"

%%%%%% current bugs: no double bar lines in volte (try hiding the override to 
see if they reappear)

\include "english.ly"
\paper { 
           #(set-paper-size "letter")
           left-margin = 2.5\cm
           line-width = 16.5\cm
           between-system-padding = #0.1 
           between-system-spacing = #0.1

          title = \left-align \markup  {  \override #'(font-name . 
"CaslonAntique") \fontsize #3 "Crested Hens"  } 
          tagline =  "Double Dagger Press"
          copyright = "2007"

mBreak = { \break }

%  S E T   K E Y   A N D   T I M E

     melody = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key d\major
        \time 3/4 
%        \tempo 4 = 120

% S E T   T U N E   B E L O W

       \repeat volta 2 {
             e4. g8\noBeam fs e | b'2 b8 cs | d[ cs] b[ e] d[ cs] | d[ cs] b[ 
a] g[ fs]  
             e4. g8\noBeam fs e | b'2 b8 cs | d[ cs] b[ a] g[ a]
     \alternative { { b4. g8\noBeam fs d } { b'4. r8 e8 fs  } }  \bar "||"  

      \repeat volta 2 { 
               \bar "|:" g8[ b,] b[ g'] g b, | c2 e8 fs | g[ fs] a[ g] fs e | 
ds4 e fs |   
               g8[ b,] b[ g'] g b, | c2 e8 fs | g[ fs] a[ g] fs d | 
        \alternative { { e2 e8 fs } { e2.  } }  \bar "|." 


% E N D   S E T   T U N E

% B E G I N   S E T   C H O R D S

harmonies =   \chordmode {
          e2.:min \skip2. b2.:min \skip2. \break
          e2.:min \skip2. b2.:min b2.:min b2.:min   \break
          e2.:min c2. \skip2. b2.:7 \break
          e2.:min c2. \skip2. e2.:min e2.:min
     \score {
             \new ChordNames \with {  
                 voltaOnThisStaff = ##t 
                 \override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space =#2
                  \set chordChanges = ##f
                  \override ChordName #'font-size = #-1
                  \override ChordName #'padding = #-1
        \new Staff  \with {   voltaOnThisStaff = ##f  }  
%       \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 2)

\layout { 
             indent = 0.0\cm
             \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
\midi { }


Marguerite Plank
625 Natural Dam Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 334-5392
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