hi bernard
that's what i thought...so it's not really a feature-add at all is it?
i thought about a script, but i reckon the amount of time it would
save me is about one millionth of the time it would take to get the
script working...
On 29 Apr 2007, at 21:23, Bernard Hurley wrote:
It seems that the lilypond converters simply run things like
"lilypond -b eps --ps" on a lilypond file - i.e. they merely allow you
to run lilypond from within LyX. You still have to put the eps files
into the LyX document by hand. What would be useful would be something
similar to ERT that allowed you to put lilypond code into a LyX
document. One problem I can see with that lilypond can produce several
eps files as output and so you would need to be able to automatically
generate a LaTeX macro to input the files, rather like lilypond-book
does. At one time I tried modifying lilypond-book so that it could be
integrated with LyX, but the problems were horrific especially as the
versions of Lilypond and LyX keep changing. I now think it could be
better done using a make file and an extra utility, probably
written in
Python, but I haven't got round to doing it yet!
On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 15:57 +0100, Damian leGassick wrote:
thanks bernard
i think i asked the wrong question
do you know how to use ly'x new lilypond convertors in-place instead
of using eps files?
On 29 Apr 2007, at 14:53, Bernard Hurley wrote:
You can get lilypond to produce eps files and load these into lyx by
hand. You will have to be careful about things like page lengths so
don't collide with lyx footers etc.
On Fri, 2007-04-27 at 17:47 +0100, Damian leGassick wrote:
is anyone using lyx 1.4.4 or 1.5.0b successfully with lilypond
any tips on getting it working much appreciated
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