Le samedi 28 avril 2007 à 20:45 -0400, steve berthiaume a écrit :
> Hello,
> found something interesting today; there's a difference between:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lilypond ~/Desktop/lilypond_files/[filename.ly]
> and:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/lilypond_files$ lilypond [ filename.ly]
> if i run lilypond on a file that is not in the immediate directory,
> the file gets processed, but no changes seem to appear when viewing
> the .ps or .pdf file.
> or maybe i'm crazy... ;-) 
> steve

When you run LilyPond from ~ (in the first command line), have you
looked for the .ps and .pdf into ~ ?

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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