lilypond does import from midi data

see Invoking-midi2ly#Invoking-midi2ly

with your midi file, make sure that you put your different counterpoint voices on different tracks. Also make sure that you hard/ destructive-quantize the attacks. Just as important, hard-quantize the durations of the notes to the duration you want to see (ie. beware the sustain pedal and be aware that cubase or logic or whatever has a 'display quantize' which can make you forget to do this).

you'll still need to learn the basics of lilypond to get good looking output, and for simple exercises and answers it's much easier and quicker to just type them straight in.

(fyi lilypond is great for those slazer/shenker diagrams - should you ever get the urge...)


On 26 Apr 2007, at 21:54, arthur wrote:
Dear Lilypond's,
We want realy want to use Lilypond in our studygroup.

'can Lilypound also convert mididata into ordinary manuscript paper?'
(Is there any midi software related with Lilypond?)

Thank U

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