
I´m trying to typeset songs with different verses. When the refrain
comes before the verses, the stanza numbers don´t get enough place.
They are printed right onto the last syllables of the refrain. Where
can I find some help in the manual? I couldn´t find the right place -
or maybe you can help?

Example code:

%%% BEGIN %%%
\version "2.10.20"

refrain = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "Refr. "
   this is a test, yes "it´s" a test
verseOne = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "1. "
   verse num -- ber one will soon be gone
verseTwo = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "2. "
   verse num -- ber two da dee da doo

refrSkip = { \repeat unfold 8 { \skip 4 } }
\score {
       \relative c'' {

           g4 g g g | a a a a |

           b b b b | d c d c

           \bar "|."
       \addlyrics { \refrain \verseOne }
       \addlyrics { \refrSkip \verseTwo }
%%% END %%%

As an attachment you can find the output.

\version "2.10.20"

refrain = \lyricmode { 
    \set stanza = "Refr. "
    this is a test, yes "it´s" a test 
verseOne = \lyricmode { 
    \set stanza = "1. "
    verse num -- ber one will soon be gone 
verseTwo = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "2. "
    verse num -- ber two da dee da doo 

refrSkip = { \repeat unfold 8 { \skip 4 } }
\score {
        \relative c'' {
            g4 g g g | a a a a |
            b b b b | d c d c
            \bar "|."
        \addlyrics { \refrain \verseOne }
        \addlyrics { \refrSkip \verseTwo }

Attachment: teststanza.png
Description: PNG image

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