On 04/04/07, Joseph Haig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Finally (for now), in the 'Bugs' section of section 7.7.10, it says:

"Accidentals must not be printed within a ligature, but instead need
to be collected and printed in front of it."

This bug causes the accidental to be printed on top of a note, so it
cannot be seen.  Is there a workaround for this?  Is this fixed in

I think that I have almost, but not quite, got a workaround for this.
I am helped by the fact that the only accidentals that ever occur in
this type of music are b flats and b naturals, and I am choosing to
ignore for the moment that there may be issues with different octaves.
The code I have so far is:

\version "2.10"

\include "gregorian-init.ly"

flt = #(define-music-function (parser location ligature) (ly:music?)
   \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t bes!

ntrl = #(define-music-function (parser location ligature) (ly:music?)
   \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t b!

\score {
   \context VaticanaVoice = chanta \relative c' {
     \flt {
       \[ \virga c \melisma \inclinatum bes \inclinatum a \melismaEnd \]
     \ntrl {
       \[ \virga c \melisma \inclinatum b \inclinatum a \melismaEnd \]
   \context Lyrics = wordsa \lyricsto chanta {
     One Two

The \flt and \ntrl functions print a flat and natural in front of an
invisible note which is in the same space as the notes that are to be
printed.  However, the first of these appears to be invisible as well.
I have tried using \\ like in the 3rd example in section 5.3 of the
manual, but this seems to revert the music to modern notation.  Can
anyone please suggest what I am missing?



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