
Thank you very much for you help. It works fine and I managed to produce the 
desired output.

Another "newbie" question.

Here is a short LY file. (see below)

I would like to enter lyrics in order to have "three red words" aligned with 
the notes highlighted in red and "three blue words" aligned with the notes 
highlighted in blue.

In fact, I would like to enter a long score with some few sections higlighted 
with colours and containing lyrics. Once again, could someone tell me what 
chapter of the doc I'm supposed to read?


Pierre Masson
\version "2.10.10"

soliste = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key g \minor
\time 3/4
s4. g8 g a | 
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override Beam #'color = #red
bes4 bes4. bes8 |
\override NoteHead #'color = #black
\override Stem #'color = #black
\override Beam #'color = #black
bes4 a bes8 c | d4 c a8 bes | 
\override NoteHead #'color = #blue
\override Stem #'color = #blue
\override Beam #'color = #blue
a4 c bes8
\override NoteHead #'color = #black
\override Stem #'color = #black
\override Beam #'color = #black
 a | 
g4 fis4. g8 | 
bes 4 c bes8 a | g4 fis4. g8 | g4 d d8 d | g4 fis4. g8 | bes4 c bes8 a | g4 
fis4. g8 | g4.  \break g8 g a | 

\score {
\new Staff = "Soliste" { \soliste }
} %{musique%}
\layout { }

} %{\score%}

----- Original Message ----
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:48:32 PM
Subject: Re: changing noteheads shape vs keeping same rythm

Read the section on "Scaling durations".


Latomus wrote:

>I'm new on Lilypond.
>Just a question : is it possible to change noteheads shapes without changing 
>durations eg printing {c2} where the actual duration is {c2.}?
>Could you tell me in what chapter I could find relevant information on that?
>Thanks a lot
>Pierre Masson
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    Mats Bengtsson
    Signal Processing
    Signals, Sensors and Systems
    Royal Institute of Technology
    SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
    Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
    WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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