I have not idea why it doesn't work. However, if you look in ly/music-functions-init.ly, you will notice that the \tweak command itself is implemented using music functions, so one possibility is to use that definition as a starting point and modify it to do
what you want, for example:

blaa = #(define-music-function (parser location Note) (ly:music?)
           (ly:music-property Note 'tweaks)
           (acons 'color blue
                  (ly:music-property Note 'tweaks)))


Roland Goretzki wrote:

using 2.10.20

I tried to define the following:

  blau = #(define-music-function (parser location Note) (ly:music?)
         #{ \tweak #'color #blue $Note #})

But it doesn't seem to work ...
Is there a mistake in the syntax or isn't it possible to define
music-functions including the "\tweak"?

Can somebody help me, please?

Best Regards           Roland

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