Jason Merrill <jason.merrill <at> yale.edu> writes:

> An obvious way to do this is to use the \skip command in the lyrics,
> but I'm not sure this is the best way.  If I could leave a "hook" in
> the notated music, it would save me some counting. 

Both approaches *should* work, but I've seen bugs with the second approach.

> Trouble is, the words don't show up in the second section.

Right.  (I haven't tried your code; there may be errors in it.)

I generally use skips myself, mostly because I always have.

> Of course, for a trivial example like this, the \skip command seems to
> make more sense, but in a longer and more complicated piece, I'm not
> sure if it's the best solution.

One fine feature of the \skip command: It generally jusk works.

  Ly -- ric, \repeat unfold 20 { \skip 4 } Mo -- re ly -- rics. __

The syntax is a bit confusing, though, as you have to supply a bogus duration
for the skip, and I do agree that the counting is a bit tedious... :-)

> I've read the sections of the manual I could find that apply to choral
> music, but any pointers to any other resources that cover using
> lilypond in a choral context would also be appreciated.

I exclusively typeset choral music, so you could search the list archives for my
posts. ;-)



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