
   i've started to think about how good it could be to re-type one of
   already prepared score brochures from musixtex to lilypond (A4, 40-50

   So, i took the same tex source (with the same geometry) and tried to
   replace some scores with lilypond made ones.

   Mmm.. The problem is that lilypond-book stops if child process ("latex
   $TEMP/some_temp_file.tex") returned non-zero. I needed other behaviour
   (that errors didn't confuse resulting output), so i wrote a little
   patch (sorry, again,-) to lilypond-book (attached). This possibility
   (to ignore child process errors) provided by lilylib, i've not touched
   it at all.

   If there is no other (better) solution, it would be not too bad, i
   guess, to add this possibility -- to ignore child latex return code --
   to lilypond-book.

   If there IS other (better) solution -- please, let me know :-)

A lot of thanks,
  _,-=._              /|_/|
  `-.}   `=._,.-=-._.,  @ @._,
     `._ _,-.   )      _,.-'
        `    G.m-"^m`m'        Dmytro O. Redchuk

--- lilypond-book.2.10.20.orig  2007-03-28 14:07:13 +0300
+++ lilypond-book       2007-03-29 09:23:27 +0300
@@ -167,6 +167,12 @@
                   help="Create PDF files for use with PDFTeX",
+    p.add_option ('--ignore-ltx-errors',
+                  action="store_true",
+                  dest="ignore_ltx_errors",
+                  help="Ignore LaTeX subprocess errors",
+                  default=False)
     p.add_option ('', '--psfonts', action="store_true", dest="psfonts",
                   help=_ ('''extract all PostScript fonts into INPUT.psfonts 
for LaTeX
@@ -1511,7 +1517,10 @@
     tmp_handle.write (latex_document)
     tmp_handle.close ()
-    ly.system ('latex %s' % tmpfile, be_verbose=global_options.verbose)
+    ly.system (
+            'latex %s' % tmpfile, 
+            be_verbose=global_options.verbose,
+            ignore_error=global_options.ignore_ltx_errors )
     parameter_string = open (logfile).read()
     os.unlink (tmpfile)
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