On 3/18/07, Matthias Berndt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I tried writing a few lines with lilypond, but I don't like the way that
result looks. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but I don't think so. In
attachments, you'll find some source code and the resulting pdf.

The big bracket at the beginning of the second line crosses the bar
which looks odd to me.

Yes, this padding property is well tuned for simple staff, with the bracket
you should put a
\override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2
somewhere in your score { }
Lilypond give a pretty good result out of the box... but manual tuning is
also a part of the game... hopefully, you can re-use your preferred tweaks
in a snap.

The crescendo at the beginning of the second line is
much longer for Alto and 2nd Bass than for Soprano, Tenor and 1st Bass,
of course it's not supposed to.

You ended your crescendo one note later in the 2nd and last part.

a4 \< b c d
e4 d \! c b
here the crescendo start on a "a" and end on a "d" (not after the "d" but on
it... and if the "d" is the first note in a bar, the typographic rule says
to stop the hairpin at the bar... even if you can disable this behaviour,
have a look at the doc)

line 27 was : g2^\mf^\< g4 (fis) g (fis)^\! e e e a a g a f fis^\> (e)
line 27 : g2^\mf^\< g4 (fis) g ( ^\! fis) e e e a a g a f fis^\> (e)
or (to show that the order doesn't matter, every "supplementary symbol"
always refers to the previous note : "\!" "-." "(" "\mf" etc.)
line 27 : g2^\mf^\< g4 (fis) g ^\! (fis) e e e a a g a f fis^\> (e)

Are there any workarounds for those issues? I'm using the latest development
release of lilypond.

lilypond-user mailing list

well this is a matter of personnal taste but... the dynamics over the
staff are really hard to read O_o
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