okay, sorry for not posting an example. It´s not that easy to find a simple one, because in the simple situations there´s no problem with the brackets. I already included the tipp for question 3 and it works good.
There´s a problem with the collision of the bracket numbers and the chordnames. %%% BEGIN OF CODE %%% \version "2.10.19" harmonies = { \chordmode { \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { "maj7" } b1:7 c:maj7 d c:maj7 c:maj7 d d } } \score { { << \new ChordNames \with { chordChanges = ##t voltaOnThisStaff = ##t \consists Bar_engraver \override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #0 } \harmonies \new Staff \with { voltaOnThisStaff = ##f } \relative c'' { \repeat volta 2 { a4. g4. fis4 } \alternative { { % first ending g4 r8 g4 r8 g4 a4 r4 r2 } { \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "2.-3.") end-repeat) % 2nd and 3rd ending g1~ g2 r4. g8 g a a r8 r2 r1 } } \bar ":|" } >> } } %%% END OF CODE %%% hope, anyone can help ... Dominic
<<attachment: testvb.jpg>>
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