Am Mittwoch, 14. März 2007 12:05 schrieb David Bobroff:
> You almost had your answer with "one line of music."  In the case of a
> single staff instrument it is one line of music.  For something like
> piano music it is one line of the grand staff.  Likewise, for a
> conductor's score it is one line for everything in the score, often a
> single system per page.

By the way:

Traditional German (and Dutch?) terminology is different:
A staff is a "System", and a system is an "Akkolade".

However, it seems that "System" is increasingly used
for a line of music (i.e. set of staves), like the English term.


Robert Memering
Arbeitsbereich Linguistik, Universität Münster
Hüfferstraße 27, D-48149 Münster, Germany
Raum 01.85, Tel. +49-251-83-31958

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