On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 14:06 -0600, Paul Harouff wrote:
        > Thanks, Graham.
        > I failed to mention that the -dbackend=eps option works
        outside of
        > OOo. I verified that before making the changes to Subs.xba.
        > I think this is some other script error inside OOoLilypond
        passing a
        > bad value to Lilypond, but I don't have a clue from the
        LilyPond error
        > message where to look. 
        > Even thinking about using LaTeX and LilyPondBook gives me
        chills. And
        > while LilyPond is great at handling musical notation, it is
        > at handling text outside of a score (which is completely
        > understandable - because that's not what it's designed for).
        > OOoLilypond looks like it could be a real production tool for
        > out hymnbooks and worship services, etc., by combining the
        > of LilyPond and OOoWriter. I'm really excited to see if I can
        get it
        > working and try it out. 
        > Paul
        Hi Paul,
        if you're looking for a "WYSIWYG" solution comparable to
        you could give the newest LyX Release (LyX Version 1.4.4) a try,
        as it
        has now support for including lilypond snippets into the
        All I had to change in my lilypond files to include complete
        scores was
        adding \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly". To get inline
        snippets, you
        can add a ragged-right.
        This works fine for me.

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