Am Freitag, 2. März 2007 15:00 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> It seems that this is a bug which has been fixed in the latest 2.11
> version.
> I haven't checked 2.10, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's fixed
> in the latest 2.10.x version as well.

I tried 2.11.20 today, and the size of the accidental
is indeed scaled properly now. In 2.10.20, however, it is
not fixed.

Unfortunately I cannot use the 2.11 versions for this
score because I need control over vertical spacing,
and, in 2.11, setting Y-extent of VerticalAxisGroup
in the Lyrics context to (0 .0) and minimum-Y-extent
to #f, does not work. (This was the solution you gave
in a recent thread.)

So I'll have to accept the wrong accidentals as
the lesser evil...
... or is there any way to manipulate their size in
some other way?


Robert Memering
Arbeitsbereich Linguistik, Universität Münster
Hüfferstraße 27, D-48149 Münster, Germany
Raum 01.85, Tel. +49-251-83-31958

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