
I'm trying to print two scores (with the same piece for both), on the same page. I'd like to be able to insert vertical spacing between the first and second scores so as to push the second score down the page, leaving blank space between the end of the first score and the second score. Here is my sample test code:

\version "2.8.0"
\include "english.ly"

\paper {
  scoreTitleMarkup = \bookTitleMarkup

soloTrumpet = \new Voice { \relative c'' {
    \set Staff.instrument = "Solo Trumpet"
    bf4 d f4. d8 | ef g r4 r2 | f4 bf bf4. c8 | a f r4 r2 | \bar "|."

    \new Staff \soloTrumpet
    \header{title = "Title"}

  %Insert extra space here?
  % Either:
  %  1. Insert some specified amount of vertical space?
  %  2. Specify where (vertically) the next score should start?

    \new Staff \soloTrumpet
    \header{title = "Title"}

Thanks for any help in advance,

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