On 2/20/07, hernan gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Hernan,
> That warning shows up when you have rests in two different voices
> which coincide. Here's a minimal example.
> %%% BEGIN %%%
> \version "2.11.18"
> \new Staff <<
>    \new Voice {
>       r4
>    }
>    \new Voice {
>       r4
>    }
> >>
> %%% END %%%

Fair enough. Your suggestion indeed suppress the warnings (though it
have no effect in the output... even if I swap the up and down
But in tour example case, I can understand that there is a real
collission, and that lilypond is unable to resolve it. In my case,
instead, there is not such collission, and the rests are specified
with their positions (with c4\rest instead r4). Further, the alluded
collision seems to be detected in the tab staff  (where the rests are
rendered in weird positions, but with no collissions; and are not
vissibly affected by the up/down setting).
Actually, tt does not make much sense to me. But I can live with that.
Thank you for your help

Yeah, it's odd. I think (but am not sure) that what's going on is that
Lily wants all Rest grobs to have their #'direction property set.
Otherwise, Lily issues that collision warning.

As for why the warning happens in certain "contexts" and not others: I
think that if you use the predefined Scheme commands \voiceOne,
\voiceTwo, etc, that those commands effectively *do* set the
#'direction attribute of all Rests. On the other hand, if you do *not*
use those predefined Scheme commands (which is certainly acceptable to
do), then you must remember to set Rest #'direction explicitly

Not completely sure of this answer, but seems likely. You could check
your original input and see if maybe the cases where the warning issue
fall outside of \voiceOne and friends.

Trevor Bača
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