One solution is to upgrade to the latest development version, where
any text marks, i.e.
\mark \markup{...}
now appear above the chords, in contrast to what you get in version 2.10 and
See also
which describes a method to move the text marks in version 2.10.
Regarding the tuplets, there have been recent discussions on changing the
syntax, but your proposal didn't show there. From a mathematical point
of view, I agree that it could be nice, and you could more or less use the
same idea today with scaled durations such as c8*2/3. However, for
a user who does not have a background in mathematics or computer
science, I'm afraid that your proposal would just cause confusion.
Also, it does not distinguish between c8*2/3 and c16*4/3, for example.
seppo silaste wrote:
In making lead sheets, I would like to have the part indication box 'c4^
\markup {\box {chorus}}' appear above the chord-names instead of between
staff and chord names. I've been searching for hours after a solution
but to no avail. Any suggestions?
As a new Lilypond user I wonder why the note length specifying logic
is not extended to tuplets also; ie. in addition to 1 2 4 8 ... you
would have the tuplets 3 6 12 ... 20 40 ... and so on? It seems a
litter overkill to use the \times command on simple triplets.
-seppo silaste
p.s. I made a program that enables me to write a leadsheet for Lilypond
like this (view it with a monospaced font to see the logic of the
\tempo 4=74
<verse 1>
g2:m es g:m d:m
|bb4/4 g4 g16 g a bes r2 | g8. g16 g g8 f16 d4 r |
Puu-pa--nee-li-a ruu-su--ta-pet-ti--a
c1 es2 bes
| c8 bes16 c~c8 bes16 c r16 c8 bes16 c8 d | es4 r2. |
muo-vi----mat--to----ja joil-la luis-tel--la
etc. (the lyrics are in finnish). '|bb4/4' means b-flat major in 4/4.
Repeats can
be added with '|: ... :|'. The '<verse 1>'-tag will appear in a box
above the staff. The text between < and > can be anything. It will be
attached as a '\markup' to the nearest note on the melody line below.
In this case it will be attached to the 'g4'. The syllables in the
lyrics may be separeted with any number (>0) of '-':s.
This format makes it a lot easier (at least for me) to keep track of
where I'm going. The program Lilylead parses this file and feeds it to
Lilypond. Anyone iterested can get it from me (opensource ;o)
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
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