Now, that's a solution I could have not figured myself, because it needs
more knowledge.
For example from where in the doc could I figure out that interpret-markup
is part of ly:text-interface and what it does?
The doc for


is also strange: ly:output-def-lookup pap sym def
Lookup sym in pap. Return the value or def (which defaults to '()) if

What's a pap? My other questions: what's an alist chain? What's an alist?
And how to use grob-text now, that it's defined?

So this is such an advanced tweak, that one can not create from the doc,
only with very much experience. I'm not willing to get answer for these
specific questions here, but wanted to point, that a simple user like me
will not be able to construct this tweak simply based on the


> (define (grob-text grob text)
>   (let*
>       ((layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
>        (defs (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'text-font-defaults))
>        (props (ly:grob-alist-chain grob defs)))
>     (ly:text-interface::interpret-markup
>      layout props text)))
> I've made a publicly available
>   grob-interpret-markup
> function for the next release

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