
Appended is an excerpt from my current work where I'm seeing some
strange behavior of extenders. All three voices use \melisma and
\melismaEnd, so together with the __ extenders I expected the
underlines in the lyrics to span measures 2-4 and 6-8 entirely in all
three voices. However, what I'm seeing is:

- Voice 2 looks right, the underlines span measures 2-4 and 6-8 as expected
- Voice 1 has shorter underlines stopping somewhere in measures 3 and
7 respectively
- Voice 3 has very short underlines, ending immediately after the "M" syllables.

There were some phrasing slurs there and other things, but I stripped
them down since they didn't seem to be relevant to the problem.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,

\version "2.10.8"

global = {
 \key g \major
 \time 3/4

womenWords = \lyricmode {
 M, m, M __
 M, m, M __

tenorWords = \lyricmode {
 M, m, M __
 M, m, M __

bassWords = \lyricmode {
 M __
 M __

womenMusic = \relative {
 r4 b'4 b4
 b8( \melisma c8) b8( c8) d4~
 d2. \melismaEnd

 r4 b4 b4
 b8( \melisma c8) b8( c8) d4~
 d4 e2 \melismaEnd

tenorMusic = \relative {
 r4 g4 g4
 g8( \melisma a8) g8( a8) b4
 a8( b8) c4 b4
 a8 g8 fis8 g8 e8 fis8 \melismaEnd

 r4 g4 g4
 g8( \melisma a8) g8( a8) b4
 a8( b8) c4 b4~
 b4 e,2 \melismaEnd

bassMusic = \relative {
 d,2. \melisma
 c8 b8 a4 g4
 d'2. \melismaEnd

 d2. \melisma
 c8 b8 a4 g4
 b4 e2 \melismaEnd

myScore = \new Score <<
 \new ChoirStaff <<
   \new Staff \new Voice { \global \womenMusic }
   \addlyrics { \womenWords }

   \new Staff <<
     \clef "G_8"
     \new Voice { \global \tenorMusic }
     \addlyrics { \tenorWords }

   \new Staff <<
     \clef "G_8"
     \new Voice { \global \bassMusic }
     \addlyrics { \bassWords }

\score {
 \layout { }
 \midi { }

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