Hi, The black diamond shape notehead carries a different shape than the white diamond harmonic notehead.
%%% BEGIN %%% \version "2.11.7" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \new Staff { \override NoteHead #'font-size = #3 \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic c'4 \once \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(mi mi mi mi mi mi mi) c'4 } %%% END %%% Does anyone know a way to get a black diamond notehead that carries exactly the same shape as the white diamond harmonic (a "filled" harmonic, in other words)? I've poked around and don't believe this is currently possible. If I'm correct and it is, in fact, not currently possible, would anyone be interested in creating such a notehead? I'd be willing to put a small bounty of some euros on it. (Seems like making this filled harmonic glyph might be a fun side project for somebody who's been looking for an excuse to dive in and modify the source, and therefore might not distract Han-Wen, which is another bonus.) If interested, please let me know ... -- Trevor Bača [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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