Hi Upro,

based on what others have contributed here, especially about voiceFive, here's my attempt to reproduce what appeared in the JPEG. It's pretty close - there is the small matter of the slant on the second set of beamed notes, which Carl already noted. The last slur also seems to end in a rather high position. I'm pretty sure both of these things can be adjusted, but others can probably come up with the right answers for those faster than I can (assuming you want to change them).

I for one am glad you asked your questions - I've learned some useful things from the ensuing discussion!



\version "2.10.12"
#(set-global-staff-size 17)

\header {
title = \markup \center-align \italic { "Sonata 1ma a Violino Solo senza Basso di J. S. Bach"}

\include "deutsch.ly"

voiceFive = { \voiceOne \shiftOnn }

melody = \new Staff  {
   \time 4/4
   \key d \minor
   \clef treble
\relative c' { \voiceOne
           \new Voice="3" { \voiceThree b'4}
           \new Voice="5" { \voiceFive \stemUp  d,}
           \new Voice="4" { \voiceFour g,}
           { \tieUp g''4 ~ }
       \oneVoice g32[ f( es d c b a b64 g)]
           \new Voice="1" { \voiceOne c4}
           \new Voice="2" { \voiceFour a,4}
           { g'8 \tieDown fis8 ~}
>> \oneVoice fis32[ e!( d e fis g a c64 b)]
           \new Voice="1" { \voiceOne fis'4}
           \new Voice="2" { \voiceTwo d,8 s }
           { \tieDown c'8[ ~ c32( d64 c b32 c] }
\oneVoice \once \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside c16.[\trill b64 c d16 a])
\score {
   \layout  {
\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a4")

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