Hello list,

Using subdivideBeams with manual beaming, as explained
in 6.5.6 in the manual, works fine. However, using it with
automatic beaming with the LilyPond code below, results in
the attached output, which has two problems:

1) The last beam of the first measure is subdivided; a
workaround for this is setting subdivideBeams after the
first note in the second measure, but is there a cleaner
solution? Or is this a bug?

2) The start and end of beams is changed, most notably
a beam end is introduced after 3/8.

I tried using {override,revert}-auto-beam-setting with
various values but I haven't been able to "re-connect" that
beam. Also, in scm/auto-beam.scm there is no default for
3/4 time signature, that specifies a beam end after 3/8, so
this is probably caused by changing Score.beatLength.

Is subdivideBeams not intended to be used with automatic
beaming? Or is there a different solution for this problem
(apart from using manual beaming?)

%% BEGIN LilyPond code
\version "2.10.11"  % on Ubuntu Linux 6.10
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

   \time 3/4
   b16 b b b b b b b b b b b

   \set subdivideBeams = ##t
   \set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)

   b16 b b b b b b b b b b b
%% END LilyPond code


Ceterum censeo MS Word esse delendam.

Attachment: subdivideBeams.png
Description: PNG image

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