
I want a new line to start with a different clef. However, I always get a
second copy of the new clef on the old line, just before the line break. I
have simplified it to this example:

---- start test.ly --------
\version "2.11.10"

\time 2/4
\clef treble  c' d' e' f'  \bar "||" \break
\clef bass c d e f  \bar "||"
----- end test.ly ------

This will generate a pdf with two lines. The first line has a treble clef
and a few notes.Just before the page break, the first line contains a bass
clef at the end. The second line starts with the bass clef, as intended.

How can I remove the extra bass clef at the end of the first line?

Any help would be appreciated.

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