I assume that you refer to the second example in that section.
If I was LilyPond and was asked to print bar numbers that were valid for the full score even though each stave has the bar lines at different places, I would
certainly also get very confused.
Try to move the Bar_number_engraver from Score to the staff context
according to which you want the bar numbers to be counted. I hope you
know about the \with feature to be able to add an engraver to only one
single instantiation of the same context type.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
Could somebody please explain how this works? I've moved the Timing_translator as described in section 8.4.1 of the manual (Polymetric notation). Now bar numbers appear only irregularly throughout my score (on 2 pages out of 7 ) and are also incorrect!

Confusingly, the bar numbers don't print even before the change in time signatures occurs.

I'm using Lilypond 2.10.1 for Mac OSX.

Many thanks,


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