Till Rettig wrote:
> Wow this worked fast -- this is actually my first bit of work for the 
> "great community", so quite happy that results are coming so quick.

Committing contributions quickly is important to keep contributors
involved :-)

> Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> >
> > For the next batch of files, please use this method.  Please make sure
> > that you only add files to the git archive that you are actually
> > working on, so that you do not submit untranslated files.  I had to
> > remove a number of english and some empty files from the new-de tree.
> >   
> Yes, I will now try to do this update and from now on continue on the de 
> directory. Will try to follow also the advices of the spanish 
> translation thread to get this right.

I've just revised the README; can you read it again (after having done
git-pull, of course) and tell me whether everything makes sense to you?

I wonder whether you can go on using your current local git repository;
it should not be messed up (i.e. you know now what all git commands you
typed mean, or at least you have commited all your changes and you know
whether your local repository is synced with git.sv.gnu.org), and then
you should pull as explained in the new README. After that all commands
explained in README should be valuable for you.

> This cathegory two is now ready, I will look, how I send it in a better 
> way. I am otherwise on my best way through the essay on engraving. So 
> this might then come some time later on. How would you think, shouldn't 
> also all the other files that are linked translated, like about the name 
> and stuff like this?

Which pages are you talking about exactly?

>  Is there some list or overview to see all the files 
> that have links from the pages?

List content of site/ subdirectories, or if you have tree installed, do

        tree site/

> And then about the tutorial (that part in the documentation): Because it 
> is so directly linked from the main page, wouldn't it be usefull to even 
> put this tutorial only online in the other language, even though there 
> would be some strange language shift if going to the next chapter?

That's aready what we've done with translation of the French tutorial:
the translation is deeply integrated within the English docs, with a
bunch of ugly hacks. I will document this so that you (and anybody) can
start translating the tutorial, but you may finish translating the web
site first.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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