The short answer is that there haven't been any syntax changes between
2.10.0 and 2.10.7, so there's no need to run convert-ly.

Anyway, the procedure is:
- Start a command prompt: Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
- Change working directory to the folder where you have your .ly files.
 For example, if you have them in the folder "lily" in "My Documents", do
cd "My Documents\lily"
 (Note that you can save key strokes by typing in
cd My
 and then press TAB to expand that to My Documents)
- Run the command itself:
convert-ly -e


Palmer, Ralph wrote:
Greetings -

I guess I have a couple of questions and maybe a problem.

I'm running Windows XP Pro V.2002 SP2.

I downloaded <lilypond-2.10.6-1.mingw.exe>. I tried to run it and got a
message saying I needed to uninstall the old version. I uninstalled the
old version (2.10.0), rebooted, and ran <lilypond-2.10.6-1.mingw.exe>
without any problem. I was trying to run <convert-ly> on my old files (question #1 : was that necessary when moving to a new release but same
version, i.e., 2.10.0 --> 2.10.6?)
but I couldn't get it to work - at all.

So, question #2 : has anyone successfully run convert-ly on a WinXP Pro
box? If so, would you be willing to share the process? I tried Open with
convert-ly ; I tried using the command prompt and 1) navigating to the
convert-ly directory and running it from there, with no path and with a
path, and 2) navigating to my *.ly folder and running convert-ly from
there. I was able to get convert-ly to open from the C:\Program
Files\LilyPond\usr\bin folder, but I couldn't get it to recognize a file

And now, the problem : while I was working on this, I took a look at my
executables, and I've got a "lilypond-windows.exe" as well as a
"lilypond.exe". I've always used the "lilypond.exe" to run LilyPond
against a .ly file, and I'm assuming that's what I should be using now.
When I checked the file properties of both lilypond-windows.exe and
lilypond.exe, I found the file version to be "" in both cases. I
don't know if 2.10.6 was installed, because I ran lilypond.exe against
"danse" (which I had tried (unsuccessfully) to update with, and got an error in the log :
error: Incorrect lilypond version: 2.6.0 (2.7.38, 2.8.4)
error: Consider updating the input with the convert-ly script"
>From this, it looks like I'm not running 2.10.6. Does this seem familiar
to anyone, and does anyone have a suggestion for checking more
dependably for the version number?


Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

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