
only a brief message for the moment to ask you if you would consider adapting the Absolute Beginners Guide for Windows users? (the final title has been your suggestion, if I remember it right).

I don't know exactly what does and does not belong in this list. Must learn it gradually, like everything else.


Am 29/12/2006 um 21:47 schrieb Bonnie Rogers:

Manuel wrote:
John Mandreau:
My offer to integrate your work into the official tutorial was
premature, as it is not clear now how to integrate it (or add it) into the official docs, that's why I second Joe and Graham's suggestion: the
ideal current hosting of your work is certainly a wiki, for example If you need help for adding your work
there, just ask me ;-)
Yes, I have a problem with this, that I still don't know it or understand the wiki at all, so I wouldn't know what I'm talking about. I beg to have time to "have a look at it" but taking into consideration that I am short of time - aren't we all... - and so I have set myself the task of writing the Absolute Beginners' guide in the first place, or second actually, since I am preparing a didactical work of a certain size. This, of course, on top of other things. Let me concentrate in the writing, maybe when Daniel goes ahead with his posting of the Spanish version I'll learn a thing or two. Alternatively, it could be posted with the documentation as "Absolute Beginners' Guide" in difference to the "General Tutorial" and see what happens.

Hi Manuel,

I felt the same way you did about the wiki, but I took a few minutes late last night to check it out, and I found that it really is quite friendly and easy to use. I may not have figured out everything, but I had no trouble setting up an "account" for myself and doing a couple of minor edits. The wiki is new and hasn't been used much, but I can see its potential for us Lilypond users. There is a section called "Tutorials" all ready for you to insert your Mac OS version of Chapter 1 of the "Absolute Beginner's Guide." If the powers-that-be agree, I really think the wiki would be a better place to improve and expand Lilypond help for beginners on various operating systems. I might have some suggestions for a Windows version of the "Absolute Beginner's Guide", but I know that what I would have to say would be of no interest to the main Lilypond users list except perhaps to give the Linux people a chance to snicker.

I would hope that if we succeed in developing a good set of "Absolute Beginner's" information, the main users list and the main Lilypond documentation would cross-reference to it as appropriate.

I also think that it would make better sense to use the wiki for discussions of pedagogy and word usage in various languages. My own academic training was in literature and in education rather than in musicology, so I personally find these topics fascinating, even when the language in question is Spanish, which I have never had an opportunity to learn, but I suspect that many readers of the main list do not feel the way I do and may resent the way language discussions are swelling the volume of emails. On the wiki, one could set up separate discussions of pedagogy, English musical terms, Spanish musical terms, German musical terms, French musical terms, and so forth. Wiki users can choose which of these discussions to follow instead of having to sort through everything.

If M. Mandreau agrees, perhaps he could help get the process started by copying some of these threads from the main list into the wiki, and then those of us who are interested could try it and see how we like it. If you gave permission, Manuel, maybe M. Mandreau would insert a copy of the "Absolute Beginners Guide" into the wiki for you. Editing the wiki was easy, but so far I didn't figure out how a user would go about inserting something completely new.

Best wishes for the New Year to all!

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