I recently and finally managed to solve the problem for an
Allemaigne, changig the time signature of the "Recoupe" from 3/4 to a
single "3". I include the file here, you can see the special command:
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'single-digit
\time 3/4
which I had to put in both parts separately. I don't know exactly
what you are trying to do, but maybe it will help.
\version "2.10.0"
\new ChoirStaff
\new Staff
{ \clef treble
c'8b c d c4 d e2 e4 g f2 e d c d8 c d e f4 d e2 e \break
\bar ":|:"
e8 d e f e4 f g2 f4 e d8 c d e f4 d e2 e \break
\bar ":|:"
e4. f8 e d c b a2 g c4 d e c d2 d4 c b8 c d c b a c b c2 c \break
\bar ":|:"
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'single-digit
\time 3/4
c4 c d e2 e4 f f e d2 c4 d4. e8 f d e2 e4 \break
\bar ":|:"
e4. d8e f g2 g4 g f e d2 c4 d4. e8 f d e2 e4 \break
\bar ":|:"
e2 e4 e4. d8 c b a2 g4 c4. d8 e c d2 c4 b8 a b c d b c2 c4
\bar ":|"
\new Staff
{ \clef bass
c,2 a4 d c2 c4 g bes2 c g a g d'4 d c2 c
c c4 d c g d' c g2 d'4 d c2 c
c c4 c f,2 c'4. b8 a4 d c a bes2 g4 a g f g2 c c
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'single-digit
\time 3/4
c4 a d c2 c4 bes bes c g2 a4 g d' d c2 c4
c2 c4 c4. b8 c d e4 d c d2 a4 bes d2 c c4
c2 c4 c2 c4 f,2 c'4 a4. b8 c4 d bes c g2 g4 c2 c4
\header {
title = " Allemaigne "
composer = " "
arranger = " "
Am 29/12/2006 um 12:21 schrieb Francesco Spiga:
Hi everyone!
I'm editing an early-18th-century French composition.
As in French baroque music 3/4 time is written just by a great "3",
I'd like to know if it exist in LilyPond a command to this sign.
Thank you... :-)
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