Thanks, if I had one iota of knowledge about scheme I might do that, but I
think I'll give in to Mats original advice and find a text-based solution
with some 3rd party pre-processor to generate the lp source code with
replacement tokens.  I'm more comfortable with leaving the base lilypond
installation alone, and just putting a "helper application" in front of it.

Han-Wen Nienhuys-2 wrote:
> Rick Hansen (aka RickH) escreveu:
>> How can I code a grace note (actually that is really a grace rest) but
>> also
>> make it completly invisible and take up no space, on a one-time/as-needed
>> basis?  
>> I'd like to be able to change the "current duration" that lilypond has
>> set
>> without actually having to introduce any music to the score that would be
>> seen, or get played in midi, or count against the measure beats.
>> Is there a grace rest?  And can I temporarily set it to transparent when
>> I
>> need to?
> The best way would be to add a bit code to
> lily/ that manipulates the default duration.
> -- 
> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> LilyPond Software Design
>  -- Code for Music Notation
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