Dear all, I'm using Lilypond intensively for a few months and I'm extremely happy with it. Nevertheless I've a suggestion for the empty page template from ยง 8.5.2.
Since I notate pianomusic with 2 or more staves, it's rather practical to remove the clef and set the indentation to zero. Here it is as I use it. It's only a slight modification. Excuse me for the bad indentation, but this is not copied well into my e-mail. Merry Christmas, Martijn \paper { indent = #0 } emptymusic = { \repeat unfold 2 % Change this for more lines { s1\break } \bar "" } \new Score \with { \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t \override Clef #'transparent = ##t defaultBarType = #"" \remove Bar_number_engraver } << \new Staff \emptymusic
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