luis jure wrote:
hello list,
i'm new to lilypond and this is my first message to the list. first of
all, a big thank you to all the developers and contributors for this
great software.
now i have three questions regarding a short fragment i've written, i
hope it's OK to attach the code and a small png file (11 Kb):
It seems that all three of your problems would classify as bugs or at
least as
requests for enhancements, so I send them to the bug-lilypond mailing list.
1) in measure number 4 of the score, the beam in the 3rd quarter note
of the right hand is slightly slanted *upwards*, not downwards as it
should be;
Agree! This seems to be related to how widely spaced the music is, as
can be seen in the following small example:
\version "2.10.0"
% line-width = 5\cm % Gives expected beam slanted downwards
line-width = 10\cm % Gives unexpected beam slanted upwards
\relative c'''{
\time 2/4
fis16 dis b ais cis4
If you look at the example called in the Regression
Test document,
you will learn that you can try
\override Stem #'no-stem-extend = ##t
but you will probably not be happy with that solution. Rather, you can
take a look
at the example in Tips and Tricks, which shows how to
set the vertical position of the left and right edge of the beam.
2) from measure 4 to 5, in the right hand a note with an accidental is
tied across the line break, the accidental in the following note
(beginning m. 5) collides with the tie;
You may find something useful if you search the mailing list archives, the
problem looks familiar. For the bug report, here comes a minimal example:
\version "2.10.0"
\layout{ragged-right = ##t }
\relative c'''{ cis1 ~ \break cis }
3) at the end of m. 6 there's again a note tied to the following
measure across the line break, but since there's a clef change in the
left hand, the tie ends before the line.
I cannot recall having seen exactly this problem mentioned earlier.
Here's a minimal example:
\version "2.10.0"
\layout{ragged-right = ##t }
\new Staff \relative c'''{ cis1 ~ \break cis }
\new Staff \relative c{ \clef bass a \clef treble cis }
my question are: how can i correct those issues? are they the usual
behavior, what have i done wrong? i'm using lilypond 2.8.8 on gentoo
I'd recommend you to upgrade to version 2.10, an installation package is
available at -> Downloads.
However, this doesn't solve exactly your problems, even though many other
bugs have been fixed and the layout has been improved. Unfortunately, I
have any good fixes for the last two problems.
When looking at your .ly file, I noticed that you don't use the \repeat
to typeset repeats.
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