Citando Ezequiel Sierra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> that wont assign lyrics to the f4 f4
> i tried
> << \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne bes'4. bes8 <bes g>4 <bes g> }
> \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceTwo f4 f4 } >> \oneVoice
> but it dosent work either i put all stems down even the first voice
> On Dec 18, 2006, at 12:56 AM, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
> > << \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne bes'4. bes8 <bes g>4 <bes
> > g> }
> > \context Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo f4 f4 } >> \oneVoice
You did *not* try my suggestion of creating the context "alto" for VoiceTwo.
I suggest that you *re-read carefully* the chapters of lyrics and "Explicitly
instantiating voices"
Attached is a modified version of your score. The first line of lyrics is
matching fine. The others must be some typo from your part.
Pay close attention on how I modified your score in the soprano/alto parts. I
recommend you to use a software called K-diff to compare side by side your file
and my changes.
As for the alto and bass. I have the following remarks:
<< { \stemDown bes2 <ees g>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp f (aes) } >>
You are not following the logic of polyphony in lilypond:
-- What comes before \\ is voiceOne, which tells the stems, slurs and ties to be
-- what comes after the first \\ is voiceTwo, which tells the stems to go down
-- avoid chords inside this construct (this is my suggestion, not lilypond's)
Therefore you should replace those things with:
<< { f4 (aes) } \\ { bes2 } >> <ees g>4 <ees bes'>
Y así por delante...
Have a good day!
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\version "2.10.2"
numeroHimno = "1"
tituloHimno = "¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo!"
\paper {
oddHeaderMarkup = \markup { \bold \large \numeroHimno }
print-page-number = ##f
between-system-space = 0.0\cm
head-separation = 0.0\cm
\header {
title = \tituloHimno
copyright = "Iglesia Bautista de Jesucristo"
tagline = ""
meter = \markup { "(CAPO I)" }
acordes= \chordmode {
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
bes2/+d ees4 g4:m/+d c4:m f4:/+c bes4 ees4 bes2/+f f4:7 bes4 bes1
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
c4:m aes4 ees4 ees4:7 aes2 ees4 ees4:7 aes4 f4:m/+aes bes4:7 ees ees1
#(define (parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context)
(markup #:line ("(" (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) ")")))
acordesConCapo= << \chordmode {
\set chordNameFunction = #parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names
\transpose ees d {
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
bes2/+d ees4 g4:m/+d c4:m f4:/+c bes4 ees4 bes2/+f f4:7 bes4 bes1
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
c4:m aes4 ees4 ees4:7 aes2 ees4 ees4:7 aes4 f4:m/+aes bes4:7 ees4 ees1
tope = \relative c' {
\key ees \major
\time 4/4
\new Voice = "melodia" {
<bes ees>4 <bes ees> <ees g> <ees g>
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne bes'2 <ees, bes'>4 <d bes'> } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d ( f ) } >> \oneVoice
<c c'> <d c'> <ees c'> <f c'>
<g bes>2 <ees g>2 \break
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne bes'4. bes8 <bes g>4 <bes g> } \context Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo f4 f4 } >> \oneVoice
<< { \voiceOne ees'2 <f, d'>4 <g bes> } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d ( f ) } >> \oneVoice
<< { \voiceOne f <d bes'> <ees c'>4. <d bes'>8} \new Voice { \voiceTwo f4 } >> \oneVoice
<d bes'>1 \break
<bes ees>4 <bes ees> <ees g> <ees g>
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne bes'2 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d,4 ( f ) } >> \oneVoice <ees bes'>4 <d bes'>
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \voiceOne c'4. c8 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo c,4 d} >> \oneVoice <c' ees,>4 <c f,>
<g bes>2 <ees bes'>2 \break
<ees ees'>4 <ees ees'> <ees bes'> <ees bes'>
<ees c'>2 <ees g>4 <des g>
<c aes'> <c f> <d! f>4. ees8
<ees ees>1
versoUno = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
¡San -- to! ¡San -- to! ¡San -- to! Se -- ñor om -- ni -- po -- ten -- te,
Siem -- "pre el" la -- bio mà -- o lo -- o -- res Te da -- rá.
¡San -- to! ¡San -- to! ¡San -- to! "Te a" -- do -- ro re -- ve -- ren -- te,
Dios en tres per -- so -- nas, ben -- di -- ta Tri -- ni -- dad.
versoDos = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 en nu -- me -- ro -- so co -- ro,
San -- tos " " es -- co -- gi -- dos "Te a" -- do -- ran sin ce -- sar1
"De a" -- le -- grÃa -- a lle -- nos y sus " " co -- ro -- nas "de o"2 -- ro
Rin4 -- den an "te el" tro2 -- no4 "y el" cris -- ta -- li -- no mar.1
versoTres = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 "la in" -- men -- sa mu -- che -- dum2 -- bre
"De án"1 -- ge - les que cum -- plen tu san -- ta vo -- lun -- tad,1
An4 -- te Ti se pos -- tra, ba -- ña - da de tu lum2 -- bre,
An4 -- te Ti "que has" si2 -- do,4 que e -- res y se -- rás.1
versoCuatro = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "4. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 por más "que es" -- tés ve -- la2 -- do,
"E im"4 -- po - si -- ble se -- a tu glo -- ria con -- tem -- plar;1
San4 -- to "Tú e" -- res só -- lo, y na -- da hay a tu la2 do
En4 po -- der per -- fec2 -- to,4 pu -- re -- "za y" ca -- ri -- dad.1
versoCinco = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "5. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 la glo -- ria de tu nom2 -- bre
Ve4 -- mos " " en tus o -- bras en cie -- lo, tie -- "rra y" mar;1
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 "Te a" -- do - ra -- rá to -- "do hom"2 -- bre,
Dios4 en tres per -- so2 nas4 ben -- di -- ta Tri -- ni -- dad.
bajo = \relative c' {
\clef bass
\key ees \major
\time 4/4
<g ees>4 <g ees> <ees c> <ees c>
<< { \stemDown bes2 <ees g>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp f (aes) } >>
<aes aes,> <aes, bes'> <aes' c> <bes d>
<< { \stemDown ees,2 <ees bes'>2 } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp ees'4 (bes) } >> \break
<bes d,> <bes d,> <bes ees,> <bes d,>
<< { \stemDown c,2 <d bes'>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp g (a) } >>
<f d'> <f bes> <f a>4. <bes, bes'>8
<< { \voiceTwo bes1 } \new Voice { \voiceOne bes'2 (aes!2) } >> \oneVoice \break
<g ees>4 <g ees> <ees c> <ees c>
<< { \stemDown bes2 <ees g>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp f (aes)} >>
<< { \stemDown aes,4. aes8 <aes' c>4 <aes d> } \\ { \stemUp aes bes } >>
<< { \stemDown ees,2 <ees g>2 } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp ees'4 (bes) } >> \break
<g c,> <aes c,> <bes g,> <des g,,>
<c aes,>2 <bes ees,>4 <bes ees,>
<aes aes,> <aes aes,> <aes bes,>4. <g ees>8
<ees g>1
\score {
\new ChordNames { \acordes }
\new ChordNames { \acordesConCapo }
\context ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = tope { \tope }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoUno
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoDos
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoTres
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoCuatro
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoCinco
\new Staff = bajo { \bajo }
\layout {
indent = 0
\context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
\context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.5 }
\context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) }
\context { \ChordNames \override ChordName #'font-size = #1 }
nombreAcordes= \chordmode {
\override ChordNames.ChordName #'extra-offset = #'(-3 . 0)
posicionesAcordes= \lyricmode {
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;o;2;3;2;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2-(;4;4;3;2-);"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;o;2;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"3;2;o;o;3;3;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;3;2;3;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2-(;4;o;2-) 3;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;4;2;2;2;;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2-( 4;4;o;o;2-);"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2;2;1;o;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;2;2;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2;2;1;3;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;o;2;1;2;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"3;2;2;o;o;o;"}
\markup { \left-align \bold "Acordes Usados" }
\new ChordNames { \nombreAcordes }
\new Lyrics \posicionesAcordes
indent = 0.0\cm
ragged-right = ##t
\context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
\override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #2.0
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